Frequently asked questions
What is Balneology?
The science of therapeutic bathing in natural mineral waters, and the associated therapies including drinking, steam inhalation, peloid packs and climatology effects on health.
Who benefits from Balneology?
Everybody! Different water profiles have classically been used to help treat certain conditions, and modern research is affirming a lot of the mechanism of why that works. But the act of traveling to a spring source and soaking had a variety of reproducible biophysical effects that enhance the function of health.
Is it safe to bathe in hot springs?
Totally safe. Natural mineral spring bathing has occured for thousands of years. Commerical hot springs adhere to county health codes and rustic or wild springs are typically maintained as free flowing sources. That said, any water can become contaminated and pose a risk, so if in the wild bathe at your own discretion. It is a contaminant not the spring water that could potentially be a problem.
Is there science to this?
Absolutely! Research had been conducted internationally for many decades that has detailed why bathing in natural mineral waters is effective. More is happening every year. Our organization's mission is to support that work in North America.
Can I soak instead of going to a doctor?
Though Balneology has a solid record of aiding people with a variety of health complaints, talking to a doctor about using Balneology for your health concerns is a must. In countries with a more robust Balneology culture, and coming to the US when we launch our training certification programs, thermal mineral health resorts will often have a physician on staff to meet with you prior to a series of soaks or health vacation.
This way you can intelligently apply these therapeutic waters with safety and efficacy.