BANA Directors

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Marcus Coplin

Director of Hydrothermal Medicine

Board President

Credentials: ND, Doctor of Naturophatic Medicine, Bastyr University, Seattle, Washington

Dr Marcus Coplin is a Naturopathic Physician and Vice President of Education and Development for the Balneology Association of North America. He has trained in Europe, the Near East, and Japan at specialty Balneology treatment centers, research facilities, and hospitals. He is the current North American liaison to the International Society of Medical Hydrology and Climatology. Dr Coplin has presented across North America and internationally on the therapeutic applications of natural mineral water. His medical practice specializes in the application of therapeutic physical agents for chronic illness and urgent care needs. With BANA, Dr Coplin aims to revitalize North American Balneology to its position as a valid and sought after natural therapeutic agent.

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Janet Abbott

Director of Mineral Water Language

Board Vice President

Credentials: TLMT, Teacher, Researcher of Integrative Health and Wellness Systems, Geothermal Mineral Waters Springs Consultant, Water Sommelier

Janet Abbott brings to BANA a USGS geological perspective of what lies beneath the earth’s surface. Geothermal direct use interest of natural mineral waters for wellness, food and beverages and renewable energy carved a path of public speaking to support this sustainable resource. Her personal research and experiences with natural mineral waters for drinking and bathing from springs and artesian wells, both cool and hot, while traveling internationally, are a contribution to the Balneology Association of North America Research, Information and Education initiatives.

Her years of practice with Integrated Health and Wellness Systems lend the perfect blend of guidance and wisdom to organizational goals; to inform, educate and raise general awareness of the benefits found in natural mineral waters.

“We collect testimonials from our members who experience the mineral waters as transformational,” Abbott notes.

The positive health effects received by the body from a bathing or soaking experience in warm or cool mineral waters is Balneology
— Janet Abbott, Board President
Jonathan Paul De Vierville, PHD MSSW Balneology Assoc.png

Dr. Jonathan Paul de Vierville

Director of Spa Cultures Board Vice President

Credentials: PHD, MSSW (University of Texas), authored “A History of American Spas and Healing Waters”

Dr. Jonathan Paul De Vierville, Vice President of the Board and Emeritus Professor of The Humanities, Cultural History and Interdisciplinary Studies, plans to share research, information and training with individuals, organizations and institutions that seek to promote the value and benefits of Bathing Cultures with The Waters.

De Vierville studied, trained and worked in the fields of cultural history and analytical psychology as well as climatology and medical hydrology in America and Europe. During the 1970s while a Tour Director for American Express, he traveled the world, frequently visiting mineral springs, baths and spa towns. In the 1980’s at the University of Texas in the Department of American Studies and Civilization, he wrote a lengthy cultural history on “The Healing Waters of America.” Over the past four past decades he participated and presented at various professional conferences including: The American and International Medical Hydrology and Climatology Societies, International Spa Association, Green Spa Network, Global Spa and Wellness Institute, The International Society for the Comparative Study of Civilizations, and others.

Today, he is applying his experience, knowledge and understanding on focusing directions and flow for BANA into, within and through the very Nature of The Waters as well as The Waters of Nature.

Although our current high speed life-styles and, the basic practice for Taking the Waters continues to move fundamentally with Nature’s Times, Rhythms and Pace
— Dr. Jonathan Paul De Vierville
Balneology is respected and recognized for the physical and emotional benefits it provides
— Marcus Coplin, Board Director and Secretary

Chris Devlin

Director of Advocacy and Outreach

Board Chair

Credentials: FNP, EdS

Chris Devlin, who has been the Board Chair for BANA since 2014, takes his organizational development and leadership skills into BANA’s vision for the future.

Devlin sees BANA’s educational focus as most important “….in addition to touting the benefits of bathing in mineral springs, but, also, in providing a source and network that can cross all lines of balneological interest and study”.

Devlin describes himself as “semi retired” now and is engaged with developing a sustainable, 55 and older cooperative in Hot Springs, Montana.
The town of about 600 people has several public outdoor mineral spring pools, as well as indoor private tub bathing options.

“The Alameda Hot Springs Retreat (which he is one of nine cooperative shareholders) is more low key, quiet and peaceful.” Guests can soak in mineral water in the privacy of their room. He explained that the area was originally a peaceful gathering place, for nearby Tribes. Later, settlers moved to the Camas Springs area, and the town grew….for awhile. Prosperity was short lived. Like so many “mineral water” towns, the soaking boom began to fade in the 1950’s.

Devlin sees a resurgence happening in people soaking in hot springs for health and wellness. He spends as much time as possible soaking in hot springs, sometimes traveling to remote parts of the world to do so! In addition to his interest in the balneotherapeutic uses of thermal mineral water, he is also interested in the “direct use” of the resource in sustainable energy and permaculture practices.

BANA’s educational focus is most important “…. in addition to educating about the benefits of bathing in mineral springs, BANA provides resources and networks that can cross all lines of balneological interest and study
— Chris Devlin, Board Chair

Joseph Stern

Director of Community Development & Communications
Board Secretary & Treasurer

Credentials: Hot Mineral Springs and Wellness Enthusiast, M.A. in Advertising. B.A. in Finance. Creative Content Producer.

Joseph Stern joined the BANA Board in 2023 to merge his passion for balneology with his experience running video marketing campaigns for large brands and events. Due to a slipped disc injury in his lower back a number of years ago, he discovered the benefits of contrast bathing therapy and soaking in hot mineral springs that proved to be instrumental in his recovery and pain management. Over the past 25 years, he has traveled to almost every hot spring in California and New Mexico, plus many more international destinations.

Joseph’s aim is to build community around wellness experiences in natural springs and spas, while also leveraging media to spread the science backed benefits of balneology. His background includes managing numerous marketing campaigns for clients such as TikTok, Adobe and Warner Bros Discovery with a focus on creating social campaigns and partnering with influencers to tell impactful stories.

Anistacia Barrak-Barber

Director of Water Trends
Board Member at Large

Credentials: MA, Principal at Water Apothecary, Water Sommeliere, Project Coordinator, Documentary Producer, Photographer

Anistacia is committed to fostering, cultivating, and preserving a culture of diversity, equity, respect, kindness and inclusion in all BANA activities and relationships. She is a perpetual student of life and nature and brings a wealth of experience and enthusiasm to the board to help ensure that through research and education, BANA continues to carry out its mission of bringing the practice of Balneology to the forefront of wellness and healthcare in North America.

Cindi Preller

Director of Geological Sciences & Climatology
Board Member at Large

Credentials: Cindi was a senior duty scientist at both the Pacific and the National Tsunami Warning Centers, located in Pearl Harbor, HI and Palmer, AK.

Cindi has worked through-out the Tsunami Warning system over 17 years, including the International Tsunami Information Center, National Program Management, as well as multiple Train the Trainer development, Outreach and Education. She’s a geologist who is so thrilled to be creating Ohana in Hawaii.

For me, the water is a grounding experience.  Suddenly life is aligned correctly.  A hot spring is the cure for every possible problem I can think of.

My first soak was probably Glenwood Springs, CO, as a small child.  My family traveled a great deal and my Father was very fond of hot springs.  We visited many throughout the world growing up. 

As a geologist, I have a very real relationship with Earth's hot water.  I subscribe to all the database sets and have pursued soaking in every state, every country, every chance I get.

As I've aged, I have severe arthritis from a life full of adventure.  Truly, the healing magic of the water is a miracle, every time.  When I say, 'I need a hot spring,' I really really do. Hot water from the Earth heals; physically, spiritually, mentally, and community.  A magic elixir that compares to none other.