BANA is a mission-driven organization and your donations help support our initiatives. In return, you’ll become part of a community of individuals and organizations working together to bring awareness to the art and science of baths and bathing in the natural mineral waters of North America.
BANA supporters include bathers, scientists, health specialists, educational institutions, spa health resort owners, insurance providers, and health policy specialists, as well as environmental protection service providers such as water quality, conservation, city and regional planners, architects, and landscape designers.
Please Donate to Support BANA Initiatives.
Choose the best option for you to contribute to global water wellness, education, and research.
Individual Annual Donation
Organization Annual Donation
Lifetime Donation
We give Educational presentations, regular seminars, conferences, and educational podcasts for water stewards, soakers, investors and scientists that serve the responsible use of natural mineral water for wellness and healing benefits.
We provide Information about our strategies for Best Practices, Ten Domains of Integrated Systems, and BANA Flow Formula – Tool for Wholistic Assessment of Site-Specific Water Sources. We share information through blogs, periodicals, archives of stories, and practice of balneology or “taking the waters” FAQ’s.
We conduct Research to assist water stewards and professional levels of water communities to deepen into an understanding of Balneology for Source-Site-Specific considerations including geology, climate, watersheds, and water chemistry.
We create a Water Community. Become a member to access live discussions, research, news, publications, and events both locally and globally. Connect with fellow soakers and enjoy the therapeutic health benefits of mineral waters.
Consider making a one-time donation.
We appreciate any amount you would like to give. Your donation will support BANA research, information sharing, and education programs.
Become a Corporate Sponsor.
To become a BANA Sponsor, please contact info@balneology.org

Looking for more ways to help spread the word about Balneology?! Stand by for official BANA merch coming in 2024…..