Get Your Water Registered with BANA
To register your water as a North American Therapeutic Mineral Water source, join our association at one of the levels below. If the cost is too much for you at this time, please reach out, as we do offer scholarships.
Organization: Annual Water Registry $275
Organization: 3 Year Water Registry $750
Organization: 5 Year Water Registry $1250
Founded in 2011, the Balneology Association of North America (BANA) has made the protection and preservation of geothermal mineral water sources a core objective. BANA stands for the integrity of these waters and their therapeutic value.
Dear Hot Spring Owners and Operators:
BANA has launched the first National registry for Therapeutic Mineral Waters, and we want to include your waters among our ranks. With the ever growing popularity of mineral spring bathing, issues around hygiene, regulation, and access to mineral water springs have become more prevalent. As every state has its own set of guidelines, and federal guidelines are yet to be set around many of these issues, BANA sees a need to be proactive in protecting the autonomy of these waters, and ensuring the integrity of their therapeutic value.
As a non-profit 501(c)3 entity, BANA is upholding our mission of education, information, and research and from this platform will uphold the historically, culturally, and scientifically backed understanding that natural geothermal mineral waters are a distinct type of water source, and maintain a therapeutic value. With a coalition of water sources registered with BANA for their therapeutic value, we will stand with integrity of message and strength of numbers in the years to come as to proactively address regulations affecting the operation of hot springs across North America.
Your analysis will not be published and BANA will not be making any specific claims as to the benefits of your waters. We do recommend you link back to our website as an industry resource to educate your patrons about the therapeutic values of mineral waters. We do not currently list our registry here, but may do so in the future, if our community supports it. This is plain and simple an insurance policy to grandfather your water as a registered and distinct therapeutic mineral water source. In our work alongside international organizations with similar missions, we have seen the value in having a cohesive voice when it comes to protecting and providing access to our waters.
For the Waters,
Dr. Marcus Copland, President BANA
The BANA Board of Directors
Thanks so much for your support! This is a two step process to get your water registered.
1. Please make a donation above via the payment link. This membership is fully tax deductible.
2. Then send a follow-up email to hello@balneology.org with a pdf file of your most recent water mineral analysis. Be sure to include a contact name, email, phone number and the name of your spring.
Once we receive all this, we’ll be in touch.
There are a number of water testing businesses that are reputable, so please choose one you trust. One reputable lab to consider is: